Saturday 13 December 2014

7 Proven Health Benefits Of Kissing

Hey guys, i know some of ya'll will thank me later for this great and
informative piece.... Here are 7 health benefits of kissing.....
Kissing Prevents Cavities
Who would ever guess that spit-swapping kinda had the same effect as
mouth wash? According to the Academy of General Dentistry, saliva
helps build tooth enamel and all that extra saliva built up in a
tongue-tangling Frencher washes the bacteria off your teeth, which in
turn helps break down oral plaque.
Kissing Burns Calories
We wouldn't recommend giving up that hour at the gym, still, locking
lips is a serious workout for your face. Experts estimate that one
minute of passionate kissing can burn anywhere between 2 to 5
Kissing Strengthens Your Immune System
It may sound counterintuitive, but swapping spit is a great way to
fend off the common cold. Research published in Medical Hypotheses
suggests that kissing is actually an evolutionary adaptation to
protect against the cytomegalovirus. And if you suffer from allergies,
a kiss from your partner can keep you strong. A study published in
Physiology & Behavior proved that kissing can improve your resistance
to having an allergic reaction. Researchers studied 60 people with
skin or nasal allergies. They all spent 30 minutes in a private room
kissing their spouse while listening to romantic music. They asked
another group to do the same, but hug — no lip-locking allowed. The
results? The researchers concluded that the kissing reduced their
allergic reactions.
Kissing Lowers Your Stress Level
Sensuality — from kissing to touching to … well, you know — keeps us
relaxed. To test the theory, researchers from the Arizona State
University asked 52 people to spend six weeks making kissing a
priority in their everyday lives. By the end of the test period, not
only did they feel closer to their significant others, but they were
significantly less stressed based on a psychological stress scale.
Kissing Reduces Blood Pressure
All that heart-racing lip-smacking is healthy for your ticker.
Research shows that kissing dilates your blood vessels and therefore,
helps reduce blood pressure.
Kissing Relieves Pain
Kissing releases all kinds of natural feel-good chemicals in the body
and these endorphins have proven to be even more powerful than
morphine to relieve pain. Specifically, research published in the
online medical journal PLoS One found that these hormones are akin to
the benefits of a pain reliever.
Kissing Gives Your Brain & Body A Boost Of Happy Chemicals
There's nothing that unwinds you more than melting in the arms of
someone you love … and those butterflies-in-your-stomach feelings you
get from a swoonworthy kiss just sets you into paradise, right?
There's a science behind that. Kissing stimulates the release of
oxytocin (the "love hormone"), endorphins and dopamine, which all mix
together as a cocktail for health! After all, these chemicals boost
your mood and your libido, proving that all that lovin' is just what
the doctor ordered.

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