Sunday 20 September 2015

Demerit of Cosmetics

Cosmetics are powders, creams, etc that you use on your face and body
in order to look more attractive.
Cosmetics causes some effects on the skin which include:
*. Damages to your skin.
*. Some cheap brands can give you an allergic reaction
*. Different brands are used for different skin types, you may get
the wrong skin type
*. Cosmetics can leave you with nasty make-up lines
*. Clog your eyelashes together
*. Dry your lips out
*. Can get into your eyes.
Cosmetics involves some chemicals that are also dangerous to humans
health. Those chemicals include:
*. Lead [which is a proven neurotoxin, linked to learning, language
and behavioural problems. It has also been linked to miscarriage,
reduced fertility in men and w
omen, and delays in puberty onset in
girls]. Cosmetics associated with this chemical include: nail colours,
lipsticks and whitening toothpaste.
*. Phthalates [which has been linked to early puberty in girls and
also a risk factor for later-life breast cancer]. Cosmetics associated
with this chemical include: nail polish, perfumes and fragrance
*. Triclosan [which can affect the body's hormone systems especially
thyroid hormones]. Cosmetics associated with this chemical include:
deodorants and antibacterial soaps.

*. Parabens [which are absorbed through the skin and has been
identified in biopsy samples from breast tumours]. Cosmetics
associated with this chemical include: lotions, ointments and underarm
*. Placenta Extract [which has been identified as an anticipated
carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program (NTP)]. Cosmetics
associated with this chemical include: hair conditioners and shampoos.
*. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) [which have been shown to
increase risk for breast cancer]. Cosmetics associated with this
chemical include: shampoos and some cosmetics.
*. Ethylene Oxide [which has been identified as mammary carcinogens
in animals by National Toxicology Program (NTP)]. Cosmetics associated
with this chemical include: shampoos and body washes.
These are just some. Meanwhile, make up looks good but can ruin your
natural beauty.

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