Sunday 25 August 2013

Short history about ADOLF HITLER (1889-1945)

Adolf Hitler was dictator of Germany from 1933 until his death. He increased his and Germany's power rapidly, persecuting Jews and using the GESTAPO (secret police) to maintain a strict obedience to his rule. He tried to conquer the world and make Germany supreme, but his rule eventually led to the defeat and breakup of his country. Hitler made enemies of most other countries, and he was not skillful in making war because he trusted his feelings rather than the wisdom and experience of his generals. But he was a forceful man, and as a speaker he was able to persuade great crowds to follow him and his way of thinking. He got people to support him and die for him, even when his actions were evil. He put to death his political enemies as well as conquered people. His worst crime was to kill more than five million (5,000,000) Jews in gas chambers at concentration camps. Before this, the Nazis (his followers) persecuted Jews and seized their property forcing many to flee from the country before worse happened to them. Hitler was born at Braunau, in Austria, and was the son of the customs official. When the First World War started in 1914, he joined the German army, in which he became a corporal. From 1919 onwards he was a politician. He soon became leader of the National Socialist German Worker's party, or Nazis, but it made slow progress. When he tried to take over the Government of country in 1923, he was put in prison. There he wrote MEIN KAMPF (my struggle), a book about his ideas and aims. In 1933, Hitler became chancellor (prime minister) of Germany and he soon made himself dictator. He built up a very powerful army, and began his conquest of Europe. When he invaded Poland in 1939, Britain, who had promised to support Poland, decleared war on Germany. The United States and the U.S.S.R joined the Allies against Hitler in 1941. When they defeated Hitler in 1945, he killed himself.

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