Friday 9 January 2015

Improving Basic Measures Can Help Tackle Ebola Menace.

Scientists have recently stated that the number
of Ebola cases can be tackled if the basic medical care is improved
and followed properly.

The widespread misconception that there were no
proven treatments for Ebola virus disease has meant that simple
treatments, especially
intravenous fluids and electrolytes, which could reduce the number of
deaths caused by the virus, have been neglected.

According to Dr Ian Roberts from the London School
of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, and Dr Anders Perner, at the
University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Ebola virus disease was a febrile
illness with severe gastrointestinal symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, and
diarrhoea cause profound water and electrolyte depletion leading to
circulatory collapse and death, whereas many patients with Ebola virus
disease receive oral rehydration and some electrolyte substitution,
the use of intravenous fluids and electrolytes varies and it is likely
that many patients die from deficiencies in fluid volume and

Implementation of practical protocols for managing
fluids and electrolytes has not been given sufficient priority, said
the authors, adding that it could substantially reduce the death rate.
And in situations where there is uncertainty about the best way to
treat patients, the authors call for rigorous clinical trials.

The scientists concluded that a stronger policy
focus on providing effective care for patients with Ebola virus
disease was not only a humanitarian imperative, but could also help to
bring the epidemic under control.

Patients cared for in Ebola treatment centres were
less likely to infect other people than those cared for in the
community. However, Ebola treatment centres must be more than a
setting for quarantine.

Treatment centres must be a setting where the best
information was applied in the interest of improving patient outcomes,
and where valid information was generated in the interests of future

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