Monday 29 December 2014

This Woman Started Drinking 3 Litres Of Water A Day! The Results Are Shocking!

This Woman Started Drinking 3 Litres Of Water A Day! The Results Are Shocking!

Most of our body functions and systems depend on water. Water helps
carry nutrients to cells, flash out toxins from our vital organs,
eliminate waste and ensure a moist the surrounding for our nose, ear
and throat tissues. Hence, not drinking enough water may impair most
of these functions.

Sarah Smith, 42 year old British woman and a mother of two suffered
from constant migraines and ingestion. Her doctor and nutritionist
suggested she stops taking caffeine and increase her water intake.
For 28 days, Sarah took 3 litres of water daily and the results were
Week One: Waist 28in, Weight 8st 7lb
Sarah consulted her local GP on whether taking three litres of water
will affect her health.
"I suggest you have a big jug of water in the morning, then another in
the afternoon and another in the evening," he says.
"Your kidneys, which filter waste products from the blood before
turning it to urine, will quickly feel the benefit, as they will be
getting a good flush through."
In the first week, Sarah noticed that was urinating more often, her
bowels were less sluggish, and her flexibility improved.
Week Two: Waist 28in, Weight 8st 6lb
After the second week she noticed that her headache was gone, and even
her digestion improved. Her skin was less wrinkled, and her complexion
was clearing. She also lost a pound.
"My complexion is improving and my skin tone is more even. I still
have wrinkles under my eyes, but they look less creepy and shadowy
than before. The blotches on my face are diminishing, and the shadows
around my eyes are less pronounced," she says.
Week Three: Waist 27.5in, Weight 8st 6lb
On the third week she lost half an inch on her waist. She also
realized that she was eating less because drinking water with meals
was making her feel fuller quicker. Studies show that 37% of people
usually mistake being thirsty for hunger.
Week Four: Waist 27in, Weight 8st 5lb
She lost another 1lb and half an inch on the waist after the fourth
week. She also noticed that her dark circles were completely gone, and
so was the redness. Her skin also became smooth and had a more
youthful appearance.
"I genuinely can't believe the difference in my face. I look like a
different woman. The dark shadows around my eyes have all but
disappeared and the blotches have gone. My skin is almost as dewy as
it was when I was a child. The transformation is nothing short of

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